The target audience for this page is familiar with either Copperhead or ASP.
In this document I will break the a SEJITS project into three conceptual layers:
CLyther allows the user to define a context to drive the selection mechanizm of the SEJITS.
This has the following advantages:
This answers the question How does the SEJITS select the specialization algorithm?
- The data may now be created in the current context.
- This allows for efficient allocation
- No or optimized memory transfers when calling a specialized function.
The current SEJITS implementation work only on functional programming examples. This solution allows equivalent or mock objects to be created in place of Python objects.
This is true for Copperhead. Please correct me if this is not true for ASP.
This example relies heavily on NumPy. The clyther.array.CLArrayContext mimics the NumPy name-space but creates a memory buffer directly on the GPU:
from clyther.array import *
ca = CLArrayContext(device_type='gpu')
a = ca.arange(1e5)
a += 1
jitable_function(ca, a, 1, 3)
This is particularly exciting because NumPy UFuncs are a low hanging fruit. We may be able to get an order of magnitude numpy performance while maintaining %100 percent backwards compatibility if we can specialize UFuncs at runtime.
In copperhead:
from copperhead import *
import numpy as np
def double_array(array):
return [a * 2 for a in array]
arr = np.arange(100, dtype=np.float64)
with places.gpu0:
gpu = axpy(arr)
CLyther also provides High Level translation for element-wise operations:
def double_array(element):
return element * 2
new_arr = double_array(arr)
# === OR ===
new_arr = x: x*2, arr)
ASP and Copperhead both use string templates to generate jit specializations. CLyther however defines a one to one mapping between Python and the target language. (So far only OpenCL is supported). In this way we can define specializations without strings in pure Python.
From the source code of ASP we see that the ArrayDoubler requires a mako template double_template.mako which is not shown here:
# really dumb example of using templates w/asp
class ArrayDoubler(object):
def __init__(self):
self.pure_python = True
def double_using_template(self, arr):
import asp.codegen.templating.template as template
mytemplate = template.Template(filename="templates/double_template.mako", disable_unicode=True)
rendered = mytemplate.render(num_items=len(arr))
import asp.jit.asp_module as asp_module
mod = asp_module.ASPModule()
# remember, must specify function name when using a string
mod.add_function("double_in_c", rendered)
return mod.double_in_c(arr)
def double(self, arr):
return map (lambda x: x*2, arr)
CLyther Specialization for OpenCL:
class ArrayDoubler(object):
def __init__(self):
self.pure_python = True
def double_using_template(self, arr):
# Define an OpenCL kernel
def my_kernel(arr, output):
idx = clrt.get_global_id(0)
output[idx] = arr[idx]
output = ca.zeros_like(arr)
my_kernel(ca, arr, output)
return output
def double(self, arr):
return map (lambda x: x*2, arr)
CLyther uses the Meta package to decompile Python byte-code in to a Python AST. This means that a function can go thought any number of transformations before it is specialized. The most trivial examples being:
- Defining a function in the Python interpreter.
- A lambda expression.
half_source = 'def foo(a, b):'
second_half = ' return a+b'
exec half_source + second_half
foo = ca.binary_ufunc(foo)
In developing CLyther I focused on developing the front and back ends of a SEJITS toolkit. ASP and Copperhead in particular have created an incredible mapping from high level Python abstractions to domain specific code.
I think that a combination of all of these elements are needed to create a useful product.
Clyther focuses primaraly on the